![[Taniyn Quest-20240412133045595.png]] Hi hello hello welcome to [[What's Taniyn Quest|Taniyn Quest]] :) I'm Barquq. This is my place! My [[Digital Garden|garden]]. It's where I want to plant my internet flag from now on. It has all sorts of stuff that I'm interested in, thinking about, writing about, and so on. It is a work in progress. It will always *be* a work in progress. That's what's neat about it. The links are all here to dig through: [[Now]] Where I'm at right now. [[02 The Atelier|The Atelier]] Holds long term [[efforts]] I'm working on. [[Blogroll]] Quick shot posts [[The Cafe]] Long form posts [[03 The Library|The Library]] The collection of media I care about, with notes. Constantly ballooning in size. [[The Garden]] Resources and the like. [[Web Ring]] If you're an RSS kind of person, [here's the feed](https://taniyn.quest/rss.xml)! Thanks for stopping by!